We said good-bye to Kaleb on September 24th 2019 as he left SoCal to begin his BMT training. That was one of the hardest days of my life. Watching my grown boy walk away and fade into the distance as he boarded a plane to San Antonio, TX on his own. A place that was very familiar to him yet he was heading into very unknown territory. I tried to put on a tough exterior but was internally ugly crying.....at the same time I knew you were questioning your decisions, second guessing if this was what you should be doing, but I know we both knew you were strong and that you were going to be just fine.

During the two hour ride home I couldn't help but think of the last 19 years and how quickly they had passed before my very eyes. I began to doubt whether or not we had successfully raised you to be a stand up member of society, and began to wish that we had just one more day, week, month, or even year to prepare you before we threw you into very uncharted territory. As I was watching the terrain out the car window I was quickly taken aback to the day we welcomed you into the world. Seemed like yesterday but it also felt like so long ago. From that very cold wintery February day in Montana we vowed to do our best as your parents with God's guidance to raise you up to be the best version of you. There have been many lessons on both ends but as I type this and tears well up in my eyes I can't help but still see that little two foot beach blond haired little boy holding my hand as we walk to the pool for the 18th time in a day. Or the little brown eyed boy who looked up to me and asked "mommy can I marry you?" Or the little 5 year old that loved to shadow daddy at work to watch the "soldiers" march. To the kid with so much drive on the baseball field and basketball court to the young man just learning to drive, getting your first job and graduating high school.
Never in any of those moments did I think you would choose to follow in your father's footsteps and join the Air Force and carry on the Gilleo military legacy. I know that being a military brat yourself you know what that lifestyle entails. As a parent it is even harder knowing that's what your child wants for his future. However, as I type this I couldn't be more prouder of you and the young man you have grown up to be. Sure life has a funny way of getting us to where we are or need to be and it can be a rough and bumpy road but you held on and trusted that it would all work out. Look at you now an Airman graduating Tech school and about to make some big future decisions.
As sad as it makes my heart to think that our time of having you under our roof is quickly coming to a close, I find peace that you will accomplish great things on your own. I know the last 7 months have been exciting, challenging, stressful, fun and even scary trying to navigate a pandemic in the middle of tech school. As I look at how far you have come in your short two decades of life I am beyond blessed to be able to call you my son and very thankful for what you brought to our lives. I wish time didn't have to go so fast, but I know you are ready to set sail on your own life and begin to do things that you have dreamed about your whole life.
Congratulations on graduating tech school!!! We are so proud of you and can't wait to see what the future has in store for you. Welcome home son!!! Welcome home!!!!